New Partnership: Simply Munich joins the journey along Shake to win towards cultural preservation! by Newsroom August 15, 2019 Culture,Featured,News,English

On our mission to preserve culture by creating cultural bridges through technology. Shake To Win showcases carefully selected cultural institutions and local businesses, providing story-telling content in Chinese, and offers incentives to its users. Shake to Win is that bridge between Chinese independent travelers and businesses proud of their culture but wary of the masses. And this summer Simply Munich has joined our missionary journey!

“The metropolis is a feast for the senses, offering so much to see, hear, wonder at and experience.” Simply Munich Website

Simply Munich Website

Simply Munich is the official brand for, Munchen Tourismus the central tourist organization board of the City of Munich. This organization brings private and public organizations together to develop a strong tourism product, aiming to establish Munich as an important destination in the travel market. As a result Simply Munich offers two official Cards, the Munich Card and the Munich City Pass to our platform users, for them to discover the amazing spots locally. The cards provide the visitors with an easy way to visit a wide range of offers in the fields of art, culture and leisure. With the Munich Card the visitors can enjoy discounts for 80+ local businesses and museums, whilst with the pass grants free admission to 45 top attractions and tours, and both cards include free travel. Quite something right?

But this article is about our awesome partnership, that is actually where things get really good: So yes, Simply Munich is an amazing brand and it’s efforts collaborating with merchants in the area are outstanding, but now with this partnership Simply Munich is unlocking along us an access to a whole new market, the Chinese market, largest outbound in the tourism market.

Another bridge built, and we would like to pad ourselves on the back for this one, because now our users have direct access to learn about the Munich Card and the City Pass through out App later on to purchase through our APP.

Apart from working with big institution, the local art gallery owners also love our concept and join us for our mission too! More details on how we help private gallery owners to share their stories in China, keep following us in Linkedin, Website, Facebook, we will have more feature articles soon.

Our teammate Mariano enjoying his trip with local art gallery owners in Munich, Germany.

Munich’s art landscape is extremely varied.

Simply Munich Website

Here are some spots included in the card and pass that cannot be overlooked and which we are proud to share with out platform users:

Museum Brandhorst – contemporary art

House to a comprehensive collection that holds more than 100 works by Andy Warhol, this display is like no other in Europe. Cy Twombly another big pop art artist is also features in this museum, with more than 170 works by him. Other big contemporary artists are part of this exhibitions including Jeff Koons, Blinky Palermo and many others which provides a wide range of art. Since its opening in 2009 this museum has become one of the centers  of contemporary German art.

Deutsches Museum (science and technology museum)

Founded more than 100 years ago the German Museum holds the most significant scientific and technical collections in the world. This museum is known for its demonstrations, experiments and media stations that invite visitors to interact and try things out.

Masterpieces like the first computers and trains will  amuse you as well at the first gasoline car to microscopes. A place where adults learn about astronomy, marine science, nanotechnology, mines, clocks, musical instruments and pharmacy through putting their senses to work.

Münchner Stadtmuseum mit Filmmuseum – city and film museum

What is typical of Munich? Since when? And why? All questions answered by the “typical Munich, exhibition in the City and Film museum. This permanent collection illustrates the history of the city on the basis of selected objects. There are other permanent exhibitions under the same roof on music, puppet theater and showjumping, on National Socialism in Munich, fashion, Graphics, photography and film

This is just the tip if the iceberg of what Munich offers and we can’t to see our users enjoying from the fruits of this new partnership. Bringing the world closer together on partnership at the time.

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See what our Partners say since the shook to win:

Shake to Win currently has more than 3200 spots in the Netherlands, Belgium, UK, Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Switzerland and Portugal and rapidly growing with our partnership worldwide.

Want to join the fun this summer? Contact us at for more information. Let’s work together to preserve culture and bring the world closer together.

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