It’s a smile behind the mask

In the past three weeks, the coronavirus outbreak has become a topic spoken worldwide, and everyone’s concern. Lots of news and updates are taking over the media channels as well as social media. On the 11th of February, the Coronavirus death toll rose over 1017, surpassing SARS (2003). As the Chinese New Year holiday is coming to an end, and many people return to work, the situation is expected the numbers to increase in the coming days.
International organizations are working on campaigns of sensitivity and awareness to fight against misinformation in a generalized panic. Misinformation and lack of sensitivity have promoted the outbreak of something worse than the Coronavirus: racism and hatred towards the Chinese population.
It is needless to say that we are against racism and discrimination; our mission is to bring the world closer together. At Shake to Win, all our team has been impacted, all Chinese and not Chinese. Either by having to be away from our loved ones or seeing our loved ones being subject to racism and discrimination.
We believe racism and discrimination is more terrifying than the Cornavirus, if it were to spread at the same rate.
Today Shake to Win is Launching the charity campaign “#itsasmilebehindthemask.” The campaign is dedicated to recollection for funds destined Shanghai Charity Foundation (Official Website: ) which is managed by the Shanghai Municipal Committee, the Shanghai Municipal Civil Affairs Office and the Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau. This campaign donation will be specifically supporting the special fund-raising Project: “Special Action to Fight Against Coronavirus” from SCF.

Step 1: Donate EUR 99 via:
Deducting the administration & operational cost, 80% of EUR 99 will go to the charity we partner with – Shanghai Charity Foundation.
Step 2: In 48 hours after completing the donation, you will receive an invoice and a campaigned poster to post on your social media platform as part of the #itsasmilebehindthemask charity campaign to share with your network. Feel free to use hashtags #WeSupportChina2020 #itsasmilebehindthemask.
Step 3: Your poster will be shared in Shake to Win Social media platforms Weibo, Instagram, and Linkedin. (We will build a collage with the photos of our partners that want to send us a photo wearing a mask or their brand logo as a sign that they support China along with us.
Step 4: To stay updated about the campaign and donation follow us on Linkedin, Facebook, and Instagram.
Step 5: Treat everyone as a Human, Chinese, or not Chinese flying from China, or living abroad. Remember help and respect takes us further in situations like this.

Campaign duration: 11th-Feb-2020 to 13-Mar-2020
Lastly, thank you for reading this article independently of your donation or not. Thanks for paying attention to the matters that we care about and support.
To learn more about Shake to Win, visit our website or any media that would like to support us in this campaign contact as at